Discovering the Boobuddy

Following on from my last post (I hope it wasn’t too personal), as the weeks passed and my running ability progressed, my body shape changed and so the hunt for the perfect bra began again. This time however I decided I was going to get properly measured and fitted so I headed to Bravissimo, a shop that specialises in underwear for the bigger bust. I also did a bit of research online and the same name kept cropping up: Boobuddy.

I went onto the Boobuddy website and what I saw was so simple that I couldn’t believe they weren’t being sold everywhere. The Boobuddy (or Booband) is a strip of elasticated material that is designed to hold your boobs down so that the bounce created during exercise is VERY minimal or ultimately non-existent! I had to try it out!

I requested a size medium and black in colour. With a 32″ back I toyed with the idea of a small but decided against it. The Boobuddy arrived well packaged and looked a lot better than I was expecting. I couldn’t wait to try it.

I had my first 10k race within a few days so thought it was the perfect opportunity. However, when I put it on over my newly fitted Shock Absorber bra it looked a bit weird underneath my vest top so I gave it a miss for that particular race.

The next time I put my trainers on I also put on the Boobuddy. I instantly felt more secure in that area. I had a slight issue trying to line up the velcro because I didn’t want it to stick to my running top, but it didn’t take long to sort out.

It felt a bit strange at first and I did wonder if it was going to rub under my arms, but I went with it. I took a brisk walk to the top of my street and I soon forgot that I was wearing the Boobuddy. After running for around 5 minutes I checked my reflection and was pleased with what I saw. There was absolutely no bounce! My boobs were staying exactly where God had intended! Amazing!!

Satisfied, I continued to run. From that moment, it was all about the run. I felt great. I’d avoided running the streets up until now for fear of the dreaded Bounce. But now I could confidently enjoy running. I only remembered that I was wearing it when I got home and undressed to shower. RESULT!!!

The Boobuddy is a game changer for those who have extra large breasts! Now when I’m out running I don’t have to worry about the dreaded Booby Bounce. I can just concentrate on the reason I’m there, to run! The only slight issue for me is getting the velcro to line up perfectly so it doesn’t catch and pull my top,  but I think that’s a personal issue rather than a product one. I 100% recommend the Boobuddy to anyone who has issues with movement in the chest area when running; It’s an absolute must.

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